News and views of the First United Methodist Church in Cross Plains, Texas

Tuesday, March 03, 2009


I watched LOST NUKE on the National Geographic channel and they had several good clips of Dick Thrasher commenting on his bailing out of B-36s. They even ended the program talking about the one that crashed near Oklahoma City after the pilot was killed by a fighter plane crashing into the cockpit during a training mission. We are lucky to have Dick with us after all of his involuntary parachute jumps.

I want to thank my son, Mark and his wife Mary Kathryn for picking up the library books from Rev. Dr. Jack S. Payne that were given to us by his widow Lillie Payne. And to Rev. Wallace Bennett who was assisted by Tom Stephenson and drove to Weatherford to get the books from Mark. They have delivered them to the church this afternoon where Jane Bonner met them to help inventory and place the books on the shelves. She will write a thank you to Lillie.

I was in Rev. Payne's church at Westcliff Methodist in Fort Worth. It turns out that the Bennett family were members of his church in Arlington. You need to get Bryan to tell you about going on ski trips where Lillle Payne was the chaperon. Also Wallace said that his oldest son went on a mission trip to South America with Rev. Payne. It is interesting how small our world is. We owe a great debt to Lillie Payne and her son Barry for this gift.


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