News and views of the First United Methodist Church in Cross Plains, Texas

Thursday, August 10, 2006


August 13 we will have Rev. Wallace Bennett as our preacher as our pastor, Rev. Jim Senkel, enjoys a well deserved vacation visiting his daughter in Washington, D.C. where she will be undergoing a somewhat complicated surgical procedure at the Walter Reed hospital. They will have time to visit our nation's capitol and see the sights.

Rev. Wallace is a distinguished retired military chaplain, who received his call to become a minister during the difficult fighting in Korea. He was a specialist in Army communications and had served in the Navy. He later became a chaplain and during the last part of his ministerial career served as editor of the Methodist Reporter in Texas.

I think our congregation must be a lot like Snuffy Smith in the comics. His pastor had the bulletin board stating LOVE THY NEIGHBOR and Snuffy comments that he can't do that. The best that he can do is tolerate his neighbors. I hope that Rev. Bennett's sermon will stress that Christ told us to worship God by serving our fellow man. I should have made that point last Sunday when I served as worship chair. You think of those things later and I wish I had said that. It seems the most difficult aspect of being a Christian is being able to forgive those who we think have transgressed against us. Even if they haven't said anything, we know what they are thinking. We all need to work on that aspect of our relationship.


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