News and views of the First United Methodist Church in Cross Plains, Texas

Monday, May 14, 2007


I don't know if I should mix church and state, but when I voted Saturday this beautiful red-headed city election judge told me that I had not posted to this blog lately. I guess there is no conflict of interest because she was with the city election and I am ineligible to vote for city Council.

Sunday I was greatly pleased to see so many in church even though our choir and many mothers were gone. My SS class had an enormous increase in attendence because I had hit bottom with only one member showing up the week before. It was good to see so many in church and the tradition of the children giving flowers to all of the mothers.

The sermon was a whole lot better than one that I gave a few years back when the pastor asked me as a lay speaker to cover for Mother's Day. I searched the Bible for stories about mothers, but I think I failed miserably to make a very good sermon. I just wasn't cut out to preach!

OK Judy, I have posted. Back to you. You might post some of Mandi's photos of our choir in Itasca. (That is Texas, not Wisconsin.)


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