News and views of the First United Methodist Church in Cross Plains, Texas

Friday, September 21, 2007

Steeple has arrived

This morning I was coming back from the Buffalo breakfast and saw a truck with a strange sight! They had what appeared to be steeples in the back! Hmm....one never knows what is going up next.

Haven't taken the time to blog in quite a while - and no one else has either? Many changes have taken place, we've 1) had a worship time in the sanctuary under the open air, 2) walls are starting to go up, 3) we've had a great revival, 4) had another Glory Be time, and are getting ready for the community cancer walk AND a handbell festival this weekend. Oy Vey!
I'm adding some pictures, which are worth a thousand of my words!

Also, adding our new UM Youth Logo - hope you like it!



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