News and views of the First United Methodist Church in Cross Plains, Texas

Monday, January 15, 2007


Judy Porter called yesterday to tell me she was canceling the Pastor Parish Relations committee meeting scheduled for 2 p.m. I told her I appreciated it because we are iced in. Haven't been on the road since Saturday morning when I went for the mail and almost didn't get back up the hill on the icy caliche. Since then it has gotten worse for us in the hills. Judy told me that there were 10 faithful members in church yesterday. I couldn't believe it, but she said the streets and roads in CP are clear. They aren't out here. Power was off for 45 minutes in the morning in CP before church which probably kept a of people home. We didn't lose power until 2:12 this morning, but it was restored by Taylor Electric by 4:30 and my fireplace kept the house warm. I have used a lot of wood doing it. Our roads and walks are covered with a good 1/4" of ice and it has warmed up from 19 to 24 as of now.


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