News and views of the First United Methodist Church in Cross Plains, Texas

Monday, January 29, 2007


Hallelujah! The Church Conference led by our new District Superintendent, Rev. Jim Olney, appoved the plans snd financing for the construction of a new sanctuary last Sunday. Monday night the Building Committee met and agreed on the contract. The contractor, Thomas Hicks, Inc. of Abilene had proposed the contract and the committee made a few changes that we expect the contractor to accept. The next meeting is scheduled for February 1 to sign the contract, agree on some of the details of the construction and hopefully construction can start the first week of February preparing the site and starting the foundation. Also fabrication of the metal building can begin based on the preliminary plans. The final plans should be completed in the next two months to meet the building schedule.

Only 24 attended the Church Conference. If you want to know more about Rev. Olney I suggest you read the last Central Link where he has written an essay about the power of prayer. He tells how in the last 4 years he has had 12 surgeries in a battle against cancer and how due to prayers he is now in remission.

I hope everyone will continue to pray for our District Superintendent, our church and for the building committee as we build a new sanctuary, educational wing and fellowship hall. Pray also for the contractor and workmen who will be constructing the building.


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